14C is a call for proposals for business-led consortia with the aim of smartening global supply chains from the shelf to the field.

They invite companies and organisations along agricultural supply chains to apply with their joint project concepts that meet the criteria set out in the call for proposals.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the GIZ Global Programme "Sustainability and Added Value in Agricultural Supply Chains" is launching the Initiative for Climate Smart Supply Chains (I4C) to involve actors along the agricultural supply chain in the joint implementation of projects to combat climate change and promote a just transition.


The aim of this initiative is to make agricultural supply chains climate smart. I4C considers three aspects of climate-smart agricultural supply chains:

  • Increasing agricultural productivity and incomes in a sustainable way
  • Adapting agricultural systems and small farmers' livelihoods to climate change
  • Reduction and/or removal of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Action Areas

All projects must contribute to at least two of the following areas of action:

  • Increasing agricultural productivity and incomes in a sustainable way
  • Adapting agricultural systems and small farmers' livelihoods to climate change
  • Reduction and/or removal of greenhouse gas emissions

Why apply?

The total volume of the project is between two and three million euros
Get support for climate action! On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) GIZ is granting up to 50% of total funding to the best-placed projects and supporting them in their realisation.

Take responsibility! Whilst traction co-funding and project assistance is offered for good, the projects will be developed and implemented by the winning consortia.


The project will last between 18 months and three years.

Geographical Focus:

The project concepts must indicate in which partner country or countries the activities are to be implemented. The target country(ies) must be among the BMZ partner countries. If several Partner Countries are approached or if a regional approach covering several Partner Countries is proposed, time and financial resources must be planned accordingly. After the final selection of the winning projects, close coordination takes place with the relevant regional units and the external GIZ structure.

Target companies:

It particularly targets companies in the FMCG sector, which includes the following sectors:

  • Food and nutrition
  • Clothing and textiles (cotton products) and footwear
  • Cosmetics and personal care
  • Detergents and cleaning products

Eligibility Criteria

I4C is a call for proposals for consortia of different consortium partners to implement the proposed project. Consortia that fulfil the following criteria are eligible to participate in the call for proposals:

  • Any applicant Consortium must be made up of at least two Consortium partners, including
  • At least one of the Consortium's partners is an international company,
  • At least one of the Consortium partners is a Local Entity in each Partner Country and
  • Optionally, one or more International Associations can participate as other Consortium partners.
  • The Consortium does not need to be formalised by an agreement (e.g. joint venture agreement or consortium agreement). If the Consortium is selected definitively, all members of the Consortium will enter into an agreement with GIZ

Criteria for qualifying as an "International Company":

  • Any commercial enterprise, partnership or other entity established in the EU, or any other country not listed on the OECD DAC List of ODA Recipients,
  • Active in the trade, processing and/or acquisition of the specified agricultural supply chains,
  • At least 1,000,000 euros in annual turnover,
  • At least eight employees,
  • Sufficient financial stability and liquidity to provide the necessary own contribution.

Criteria for qualifying as a "Local Entity":

  • Any company, partnership, association, cooperative, foundation, organisation, research institution or NGO with.
  • Headquarters or large part of activities in one or more Partner Countries

Criteria for qualifying as an "International Association“:

  • Any association, organisation, partnership, cooperative, foundation, research institution, NGO or company not covered by "International Company", active in the field of international development cooperation or with an international focus with
  • Headquartered in the EU or any other country not included in the OECD DAC List of ODA Recipients

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