The 14th edition of Sport BootCamp will be hosted by Grupo Desportivo G D Varandinha in the training room of the Regional Delegation of the Institute of Sport and Youth in Tarrafal.

From 6 to 11 May, we'll be there from 2pm to 6pm to get to know your ideas better 💡 business in sport.

O Sport BootCamp is funded by Cape Verde Olympic Committee and implemented by WeCare.

You already know: Registration is free, but places are limited. All you have to do to take part is register by 3 May at:

How ? Each idea or organisation can be presented by one person or groups of up to 4 participants. The 3 best ideas will move on to the second phase of developing their project, which will begin in Praia on 3 June with the Sport Accelerator Lab, where participants will have all travel, accommodation and food costs included.

Sport BootCamp | WeCare


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