The Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA), administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has opened its second call for proposals to fund small grants.

AFCIA targets a wide range of potential funding recipients, including governments, non-governmental organisations, community groups, young innovators and other vulnerable groups.

The AFCIA will provide small grants to developing countries to support innovation for effective, long-term adaptation to climate change and is part of the Adaptation Fund's Innovation Facility.

The main objective of the grants - US$ 60,000 and US$ 125,000 - is to enhance local climate action and accelerate the delivery of the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, through the implementation and dissemination of innovative locally-led adaptation practices, tools and technologies.

The UNDP-administered AFCIA grant window, which has an additional financial contribution from the European Union, is managed through the AF-EU-UNDP Innovation Small Grant Aggregator Platform (ISGAP) Programme. The ISGAP Programme provides funding to applicants on a competitive basis, with selected grantees able to operate and manage their projects on their own with the support of UNDP.

Focus areas
*The AFCIA will focus on producing two of the expected results of 'Strategic Focus 2 (Innovation)' in the Adaptation Fund's Medium-Term Strategy 2018-2022, which are:
**New innovations encouraged and accelerated - Development of innovative adaptation practices, tools and technologies encouraged and accelerated; and
**Evidence base generated - Evidence of effective and efficient adaptation practices, products and technologies generated as a basis for implementing organisations and other funds to evaluate scaling up.

Concession categories
*US$ 60,000 - for new pilot projects, new solutions, new technological innovations, social innovations.
*US$ 125,000 - for organisations with an established client/beneficiary base to scale or replicate solutions in different regions/spaces.

Eligibility criteria
*(UNDP) The programme is open to non-profit Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Business Members Association (BMO), other associations, cooperatives and community organisations registered in a developing country.

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