The Christmas season is upon us and with it comes countless requests for donations for families at risk. Christmas awakens in us a deep reflection on the true meaning of family, and we all wish, at least at this time, that ours was safe. However, it is important to remember that the vulnerability of these families is not limited to this time of year.

Read more: Social Entrepreneurship: Yes, We Can! - Balai

Christmas is undoubtedly a good time to think about others. But what about the rest of the year? It's important to debunk the idea that this article promotes subsidisation. Quite the opposite. The philosophy of social entrepreneurship encourages initiatives that respond to collective needs through sustainable business. The idea is to create opportunities that strengthen the autonomy of organisations, eliminating the constant need to ask for donations.

Non-profit Civil Society Organisations are often created with the purpose of serving society, whether in different formats or different areas. As citizens, we should support these missions, understanding that the work of these organisations is essential for collective well-being. After all, who wouldn't want to live in a developed society where citizens have knowledge, decision-making power and equal opportunities? The path to this begins with human development.

So, yes, we can! Or, as eternalised in one of history's most striking statements, "Yes, We Can." And what can we do? We can decide, every day of the year, to work to make inclusion a reality for everyone. That way, when Christmas comes, the feeling of gratitude for what we have will be accompanied by the satisfaction of having contributed to building a fairer and happier reality for the society in which we are included.

Remember: the collective well-being has a direct influence on individual well-being. This is one of the main indicators of value in the most developed societies. Want to get started but don't know where? Contact us, we can give you some tips.


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