Applications for the EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023 are now open!

If you have an innovative project that will create a positive change in the food system, they want to help. They are looking for projects that put new products on the market, introduce new and improved business processes and services and achieve:

*Healthier lives through food
*A net zero food system
*A totally transparent, fair and resilient food system.

Focus areas
*Circular Food Systems
*Sustainable Agriculture
*Protein Diversification
*Targeted nutrition
*Digital traceability

Financing information
*20 million euros, of which at least 5 million to be allocated for the second submission deadline.
*Up to 600,000 EUR per Activity per 12 months.
*Up to 1.2 million euros per activity over a maximum period of 24 months.

Eligible Activities
*They want to fund innovative activities. For them, this means proving, testing and applying research results and practice to solve significant real-world problems related to the food system.
*All projects must end with products or services that have been tested (where necessary) and finally launched onto the market.
*They can be flexible in what they fund. For example, in addition to traditional near-market R&D projects, they can provide funding for:
**Existing research project teams that have a commercialisation plan that needs follow-on funding to get to market (does not have to be previous EIT Food projects - can support projects from other EIT organisations, EU programmes, national schemes and NGOs)
**Developing new applications for existing technology - transferring proven technology from other sectors to the food industry
**Execute proofs of concept Activities for products or services with high impact potential
**Execute market demonstration and expansion activities for high-impact technology or services that already show promising results
**Expand existing innovative programmes that lead to behavioural change or better results for the consumer
**Develop (or expand) existing technology platforms and testing services that offer new innovation capabilities for start-ups and SMEs new innovation capabilities for start-ups and SMEs
**Co-finance innovation competitions with existing funding schemes or organisations.

Eligibility criteria
*Legal entities from EU Member States or states associated with Horizon Europe.
*Participants from Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU) and Associated Countries of Horizon Europe may submit proposals. In exceptional cases, an organisation not from the EU or third countries (not associated with Horizon Europe) may receive financial support, provided it is approved directly by the EIT.
*Each member of the consortium must:
**Be an entity legally incorporated in the EU or an eligible Horizon Europe country, which has been incorporated for a minimum of 3 years.
**Have published accounts for at least 3 years showing commercial activity. Note: The Food EIT will limit the grant amount to 50% of turnover, based on the average turnover of the previous 3 years.
**Have at least two statutory directors, as registered directors. Sole proprietorships are not eligible to participate in this call.

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