USAID and the USAID Global Leaders Initiative, UNICEF, IREX, Tech Tribes and The Biz Nation are excited to announce a learning opportunity for young digital leaders!
Youth Excel's Passport to Digital Leadership is an online learning experience that aims to equip diverse young leaders from around the world with actionable training on leadership and digital competences to strengthen their skills and knowledge and to support them on their journey towards constructive social change in their communities. Youth Excel's Passport to Youth Digital Leadership is supported by USAID as a joint effort of IREX, Tech Tribes and The Biz Nation, and is part of USAID's GLOBAL LEAD Initiative. Youth Excel's Passport to Youth Digital Leadership is made available in partnership with UNICEF's Learning Passport online learning platform.
If you are a young community leader aged 18-29 who wants to strengthen your leadership profile and broaden your digital skills, this opportunity is for you. Over the course of 4 weeks, you will take part in a series of synchronous and asynchronous online sessions on topics around 4 thematic areas: facilitation, data and learning, digital skills, advocacy and inclusion. Upon successful completion of this learning experience, you will receive a certificate issued by Youth Excel and its consortium members.
Check the eligibility criteria and submit your application by 9 October 2022 at 11:59 EST. Please note that applications may close early if we receive a large number of applicants before the deadline, so we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible.
Submit your application here.
Eligibility criteria:
You must be between 18-29 years old.
Residents of all countries are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to participants from the southern hemisphere.
Have access to a computer, tablet or mobile device to access the learning modules and internet connectivity. Participants can download the content online and complete the learning modules offline.
Be proficient in English. All content is in English and the live sessions will require appropriate English proficiency.
Experience in participating in initiatives to support community development.
Experience and interest in supporting marginalised groups such as women, young people, the LGBTQ+ community, ethnic or religious minorities.
Member of a youth-led organisation.
Selected participants will be contacted with more information and guidance on how to access the online learning experience.
For more information, visit: