The Culture and Animals Foundation (CAF) has launched the grant programme for academics and artists using their intellect, creativity and compassion to build a deeper understanding of human-animal relations and greater respect for animal rights.

The Culture and Animals Foundation (CAF) began in 1985 under the auspices of animal rights philosopher Tom Regan (1938-2017) and his wife, Nancy. Nancy heard about Los Angeles-based performance artist Rachel Rosenthal (1926-2015), who brought animals to the stage to open people's hearts and minds to the "others" with whom they share the Earth. Nancy was impressed by the celebratory nature of the event - animal advocacy that used art and culture to raise awareness. Nancy's vision, complemented by her husband Tom's academic leadership as a philosopher, helped CAF take shape.

CAF funds academic and artistic projects that raise public awareness of animal rights. Grants are awarded in three categories: Research (academic projects on animal defence and its cultural roots and impact); Creativity (original work by artists and thinkers that expresses positive concern for animals); and Performance (public presentations and exhibitions to raise awareness of animal defence).

CAF does not fund "practical" projects, including animal rescue, public protest or trap-neuter release programmes. CAF also does not support species conservation projects, unless they include a commitment to animal rights and fall into one of the three categories of creativity, performance or research. CAF does not fund projects that consist entirely of attending or speaking at conferences or lectures.

It does not fund the production of books (CAF supports research and writing). CAF does not fund indirect costs: no part of a CAF grant can be used for "administrative costs", "overheads" or any other form of indirect cost.

Eligibility criteria

  • CAF accepts grant applications from any country.
  • Previous recipients are welcome to reapply for funding for a new venture or the continued development of a previously funded project. However, priority for funding will be given to new applicants.
  • Applications must be sent in English.

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