Deadline: 15 April to 24 April
The World Childhood Foundation has announced applications for the Childhood grant programme to inspire, promote and develop solutions to end the sexual abuse and exploitation of children.
US donors welcome applications from NGOs and individuals around the worldEXPLORE NOW
They invest in innovations, methods and partnerships that strengthen protection and reduce risks for particularly vulnerable groups. They get involved in advocacy and raise knowledge and awareness about child sexual abuse. They create long-term, sustainable change.
- The focus of childhood is currently on the following thematic areas:
- Child safety online
- The online world is changing rapidly. The children have the same rights to be online as they do to go to school or play. Children adapt quickly to new technologies and new opportunities and often give advice to adults about the digital world. The sooner children learn how to navigate the Internet safely, the more likely they are to know when and how to ask for help. However, the responsibility for keeping children safe online lies with adults.
- Reaching vulnerable children and identifying perpetrators
- Supporting innovative online solutions
- The online world is changing rapidly. The children have the same rights to be online as they do to go to school or play. Children adapt quickly to new technologies and new opportunities and often give advice to adults about the digital world. The sooner children learn how to navigate the Internet safely, the more likely they are to know when and how to ask for help. However, the responsibility for keeping children safe online lies with adults.
- Supportive environments and relationships for children
- The thematic area Child Supportive Environments and Relationships refers to early interventions to prevent children from being subjected to sexual abuse and violence. The children's work is based on evidence about risk and protective factors. A key aspect of the work centres on one of the most important protective factors for children: a close relationship with a caring and supportive adult. Adults who see, listen to and support children and who take action when children are at risk or have been abused. This will allow children to develop into independent and secure individuals, capable of giving and receiving love.
- A safe and caring family environment builds resilience against sexual abuse
- Early intervention for children and families
- Strengthening the safety net around children
- The thematic area Child Supportive Environments and Relationships refers to early interventions to prevent children from being subjected to sexual abuse and violence. The children's work is based on evidence about risk and protective factors. A key aspect of the work centres on one of the most important protective factors for children: a close relationship with a caring and supportive adult. Adults who see, listen to and support children and who take action when children are at risk or have been abused. This will allow children to develop into independent and secure individuals, capable of giving and receiving love.
- Child-Focused Response to Abuse
- The response after a child has disclosed the abuse can, at best, speed up recovery and strengthen the child's resilience or, at worst, traumatise them again. That's why it's so important that the adults and competent authorities who care for the abused child act in a coordinated way, with the child's best interests in mind.
- The Child-Focused Response to Abuse thematic area includes prevention activities, as well as the provision of adequate support, resources and help when abuse occurs. It includes developing methods to identify children who are at risk, to help children disclose abuse with minimal trauma and to ensure that the child is protected from further abuse.
- A child who has been abused has the right to receive the necessary support to process the abuse, to heal and strengthen resilience and prevent retraumatisation and mitigate the long-term consequences.
- Avoid re-traumatisation in the legal process.
- Child safety online
US donors welcome applications from NGOs and individuals around the worldEXPLORE NOW
- Concession periods (project periods start on 1 July or 1 January.
- The first grant period is a maximum of 12 months, with the possibility of requesting a continuation and extending the project period up to a maximum of six years.
Terms and Conditions
- Project monitoring (Children's programme managers visit each project twice a year)
- Capacity building. (The children's programme manager offers support and guidance to the organisation based on the needs identified. Project partners can apply for additional funding for capacity building).
- Decision (Childhood's Board of Directors takes a decision in mid-June, respectively in mid-December).
- Applications for pilot grants can be submitted throughout the year.
- Reporting requirements Childhood requires quarterly or half-yearly financial reports and half-yearly narrative reports, as well as a Financial Audit Report for each grant period.
For more information, visit World Childhood Foundation .