Deadline: 2 December 22

The Julius Baer Foundation is now accepting applications for its scholarship programme.

Vision: They envision a future where the disadvantaged and the privileged work together to create opportunities and share in a fairer world.

*They are committed to reducing inequalities of wealth, education and opportunity.
*Wealth disparities go beyond money. They support projects that empower everyone involved to work across the wealth divide towards courageous solutions and a sharing of knowledge, networks and opportunities.
*Education builds self-confidence and new perspectives. They educate about the dangers of inequality and motivate the next generation to actively contribute to levelling the playing field in their communities.
*Its projects aim to create dialogues across the wealth divide, between the privileged and the disadvantaged. In the spirit of their Foundation, both parties are committed to active co-operation based on mutual respect and trust in order to initiate truly sustainable innovation and pave the way for a society that offers equal opportunities for all.

*Wealth Inequality: The Julius Baer Foundation strategically supports projects that help to counterbalance the wealth divide and build trust between all groups in society. Working with pioneers in the field of wealth inequality, the Foundation also promotes initiatives that go beyond poverty reduction, bringing together all stakeholders to create mutually beneficial partnerships.
*The Julius Baer Foundation aims to turn wealth inequality ideas into operational projects in the following ways:
**Explain the problem of inequality and understand its particular context.
**Identify who is at the table - for example, various social groups, partners and stakeholders.
**Build a rationale by understanding the motivation of each group.
**Facilitate the negotiation of a common approach.
**Act as a 'possibility broker' for a wealth redistribution plan or strategy.
*Inequality in Education: The Julius Baer Foundation identifies and supports educational projects and initiatives that help those born into poverty break the cycle. Its aim is to lower the barriers that disadvantaged children experience as they compete for opportunities that are easily available to the privileged. Their approach focuses on providing abundant and diverse learning experiences beyond the standard curriculum and is based on the premise that in order to develop your talents, you must first discover them.

Eligibility criteria
The Julius Baer Foundation supports impactful, well-organised, visionary partners with a solid track record in their field. Please take into consideration the criteria specified within each strategic core area.
*You can apply for financing under the following conditions:
**Your project falls into one of its two main areas: Wealth Inequality or Educational Inequality.
**Your idea for a project on wealth inequality goes beyond poverty reduction.
**You present a solid implementation plan and a realistic budget for the funds requested.
**You demonstrate, where possible, a likelihood of sustainability or legacy, as well as impact.
**Your proposal integrates other interested parties into a collaborative project.
**You have a co-financing system (JBF covers no more than 50% of the organisation's total budget).

*In addition, the Julius Baer Foundation does not support:
**Political parties
**Any faith-based organisation, regardless of religion
**Leisure activities
**Entertainment events
**Projects that seek support only for salaries and wages
**Fundraising or awareness campaigns
**Activities that will have a negative impact on the environment
**Any other art institutions (except existing partnerships)

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