Deadline: 21 January 2024

Registration for the Claude Ake Visiting Chair Programme 2024 are now open. The Claude Ake Visiting Professorship Programme is dedicated to honouring the memory of Professor Claude Ake and invites internationally recognised senior academics with teaching competence to apply.

This programme is designed for social scientists from African universities who advocate social justice and specialise in areas such as war, peace, conflict resolution, human rights, democracy and development. Fellows awarded the Chair will have the opportunity to carry out their own research, while contributing to ongoing activities at Uppsala University's Department of Peace and Conflict Research and the Nordic Africa Institute.×280&!3&btvi=1&fsb=1&dtd=326


  • The recipient is entitled to a tax-free scholarship of SEK 30,000 per month. If the scholar is absent from Uppsala for reasons not associated with the programme, deductions will be made from the stipend/scholarship. In addition, the post holder's travelling and accommodation expenses are covered by the scholarship. The post holder receives office space at the DPCR and NAI, as well as basic office equipment.


  • Applicants must be internationally recognised senior academics with teaching competence in their respective areas of expertise. This normally translates into Professor, Associate Professor or equivalent.
  • The holder of the chair is expected to spend three (3) months in Uppsala between mid-August and mid-December 2024. Candidates must be available during this period.
  • Applications from female candidates are encouraged.


The application must contain:

  • Complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV), including relevant information on academic title, current and previous positions, research and teaching activities and list of publications. It should also include all relevant contact information.
  • A brief summary of the research project to be carried out as a visiting chair holder.
  • A research proposal describing the main features of the research project to be carried out during the visit, including the expected results. The proposal should be at least 3 and no more than 5 pages long.
  • Two of the applicant's publications. These should normally be the two most important articles related to the research project to be carried out during the visit.
  • A letter of recommendation signed by a senior academic or legislator working in the same field as the candidate.
  • A letter signed by the applicant's Head of Department or Dean (or equivalent) confirming that the application is supported by the institution to which the applicant is affiliated.

Click here to register

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