Deadline: 1st July 2024
Applications are now open for the TWAS-SN Bose Postdoctoral Scholarship Programme 2024/2025 . The SN Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences in Kolkata, India, and TWAS have established a scholarship programme for foreign academics from developing countries who wish to carry out post-doctoral research in the physical sciences.
- Linear and non-linear spectroscopy, ultrafast molecular processes and spectroscopy, ultrafast dynamics in biological macromolecules and magnetisation, ultrafast laser-induced processes, soft condensed matter systems of chemical and biological interest, mesoscopic physics, ionic liquids, multicomponent liquid mixtures, supercooled melts, supercritical fluids, bio-nano interface, nanomagnetism, magnonic crystals, micromagnetic simulations, nanomaterials in general and correlated oxide physics, low-dimensional systems, magnetic shape memory alloys, dilute magnetic semiconductors, multiferroic materials, thin films of metals and oxides, electronic, magnetic and structural properties of complex materials, superconductivity, strongly correlated electronic systems, quantum many-body physics, micromagnetic and Monte Carlo simulation of static and dynamic properties of nano-magnets, theoretical study of thermal conductivity, ab initio plane wave pseudopotential calculation, strongly correlated electron systems, electronic structure and transport through nanomaterials.
- Quantum field theory, mathematical physics, cognitive science, granular physics, non-commutative quantum mechanics, statistical physics, non-linear dynamics, turbulence, gauge reticle theories, representation theory of Lie groups and coherent states, quantum optics, black holes, restricted dynamics, quantum gravity, quantum spin systems, collective behaviour and emergent phenomena, explosive percolation, complex networks and critical phenomena.
- Cosmology, relativistic astrophysics, ionospheric science, astrochemistry.
- The SN Bose Centre will provide a monthly stipend as per rule to cover living costs and food. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency. On-campus accommodation will be provided instead of admissible HRA, as per Institution rule. The monthly stipend does not cover comprehensive health insurance. However, the Centre deducts a small contribution to a Contributory Medical Scheme. The benefits consist of partial reimbursement of medical fees, medicines and/or hospitalisation costs, if any, and only for costs incurred in Kolkata. The reimbursement structure follows the lines of the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) of the Government of India.
- The SN Bose Centre does not provide comprehensive medical or health insurance for its staff or students. All SN Bose-TWAS scholars must have their own "Medical Insurance" after joining the programme to cover medical emergencies.
- Be no more than 45 years old on 31 December of the year of registration.
- Be citizens of a developing country (except India).
- You must not hold any visa for temporary or permanent residence in India or any developed country.
- Be regularly employed in a developing country (except India) and carry out research work there.
- Hold a doctorate degree in physics, maths or physical chemistry or in any branch of the life sciences.
- Be accepted by a department of the SN Bose National Centre. Potential candidates are advised to visit the SN Bose National Centre website and endeavour to find a potential supervisor under whom they would like to pursue their research and contact them. However, requests for preliminary acceptance should be addressed to the Dean (Academic Programme), SN Bose National Center for Sciences, Kolkata by email: or fax (+91) 33 2335 3477. When contacting the Dean (Academic Programme), applicants should accompany their request for a preliminary letter of acceptance with a copy of their CV and an outline of their research proposal. See a sample preliminary acceptance letter that can be downloaded below or included in the online application form.
- Provide proof of English proficiency if the medium of instruction was not English;
- Provide proof that you will return to your country of origin upon completion of the scholarship;
- Do not carry out any other duties during the period of your scholarship;
- Be financially responsible for any accompanying family members.
- Application
- Applicants must send a Letter of Acceptance from a department of the SN Bose National Centre at the time of application or at the latest by the deadline. Without prior acceptance, the application will not be considered for selection.
- Click here to register