Deadline: 15 May 2024

Applications are now open for the Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Award 2024 . The Awards are presented annually to outstanding leaders who demonstrate a willingness and ability to tackle the complex challenges of the 21st century and whose work is global in aspiration or implication and rooted in universal values.

The world is facing accelerating climate change, disruptive technologies, growing conflicts and wars, massive numbers of displaced people seeking safety, the collapse of the post-war global order that framed and facilitated the great human advances of recent decades. Do you know an exceptional and ethical global leader? Then nominate them today!

The Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Awards recognise leaders who:

  • are innovative, courageous, dynamic, ethical and understand that global challenges require global solutions;
  • seize the moment instead of waiting for politicians to stop arguing and act;
  • recognise that borders and barriers - whether physical or cognitive - are the enemy of addressing, let alone overcoming, current challenges;
  • reject the long list of "isms" - nationalism, exceptionalism, racism, wakeism, the list goes on - that replace thinking today.

In 2024, through the generous support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), three prizes will be awarded. Each winner will be honoured by their peers, receive an unrestricted donation of US$ 50,000 and be invited to join the Tällberg network of global leaders. Indeed, ongoing engagement with other leaders working for positive change on a global level is an integral element of the Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Award.


  • Three prizes of US$ 50 thousand will be awarded.
  • The winners join an influential network of global leaders dedicated to pursuing the kinds of positive changes our societies require.


  • Nominees can be from any country and any discipline, for example politicians, statesmen, scientists, educators, social entrepreneurs, CEOs, environmentalists, artists, religious and military figures, among others.
  • Anyone, anywhere - except the award judges - can nominate. Self-nominations are not considered; candidates must be nominated by someone else.
  • The working language for the Award process is English.


Nominations are made on the form below in five simple steps:

  • Give them your contact details;
  • Describe how the candidate fulfils the main criteria of the award;
  • Share with them the highlights of the nominee's career;
  • Add any supporting materials relevant to the nomination;
  • Push send/save.

The individual must be nominated by someone other than themselves. Anyone, anywhere can nominate a leader. If you need to edit your submissions, use the link in your confirmation email until the deadline, 15 May 2024.

Click here to register

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