Deadline: 8 February 2024

Registration for the ICFJ Knight International Journalism Awards 2024 are now open. The Knight International Journalism Awards have been the centrepiece of the ICFJ's annual Tribute since 1998, honouring journalists and media innovators who demonstrate extraordinary courage in bringing vital information to the public in countries beset by conflict and challenges to press freedom.

Recipients of the ICFJ Knight Prize for International Journalism are reporters, editors, technologists, media managers or citizen journalists who, despite difficult circumstances, produce pioneering reports or innovations that have a significant impact on their countries.×280&!3&btvi=1&fsb=1&dtd=217×186&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=333

The award, supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, reflects the mission of the ICFJ Knight Fellowships: to instil a culture of innovation in news around the world. The aim is to seed new ideas and services that deepen coverage, expand news distribution and involve citizens in the editorial process. The scholarship programme is supported by the Knight Foundation, with additional funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The winners will be honoured on 14 November at the ICFJ's Tribute to Journalists 2024.


  • Candidates can be reporters, editors, technologists, media managers or citizen journalists from countries where they face major challenges in carrying out their work.
  • Candidates who meet the Award's criteria can apply.


All nominations must be submitted by 11.59pm US Eastern Time on Thursday 8 February 2024.

Click here to register

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