Deadline: 30 June 2024

Applications are now open for the Global Non-Fiction Manuscript Prize for Black Women 2024 . As part of its mission as a global black publisher connecting Africa and the African diaspora, Cassava Republic Press's is proud to announce the launch of its first Global Black Women's Non-Fiction Manuscript Prize, worth $20,000, dedicated to exceptional works by black women.

The prize represents a world first for black women's letters, not only by virtue of its global scope, but also its focus on non-fiction and its generous prize value. Its mission is to publish emerging and established black women writers and thinkers from around the world, with a focus on critical ideas across time and space.

  • The winner of the Global Non-Fiction Manuscript Prize for Black Women will receive an advance of US$ 20,000 and a publishing contract with Cassava Republic Press.
  • Two finalist writers will each receive an advance of US$ 5,000 and publication by Cassava Republic Press, bringing the total value of the prize to US$ 30,000.


  • Open to black writers aged 18 and over;
  • Living anywhere in the world.


They are asking for 5 sample chapters and a cover letter, which should include a synopsis and a complete outline of all the chapters. Selected authors will have one week to submit complete manuscripts. 

Click here to register

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