Deadline: 31 May 2024

Applications are now open for the ENCATC Award for Research in Cultural Policy and Cultural Management 2024 . This prestigious recognition aims to stimulate academic research in the field of cultural policy and cultural management with an emphasis on its applied implications. The ENCATC Research Award also aims to contribute to the process of creating a network of academics who are competent in carrying out innovative research projects in cultural policy and cultural management.

The annual ENCATC Research Prize is awarded to a recently published doctoral thesis that explores current issues at stake and takes a step from evaluative (descriptive) to innovative and internationally orientated research projects. In addition, it is awarded to a doctoral thesis that can inform policy-making and benefit professionals in the broad field of culture.

For this Research Award, a very broad definition of culture is used, ranging from the arts to cultural heritage and the cultural and creative sectors. The doctoral theses submitted to the competition must be related to the field of cultural management and/or policy.

Awarded annually, the Prize consists of a new book based on the winning doctoral thesis published in the ENCATC Advances in Cultural Management and Policy Book Series, a series of publications specialising in topics related to cultural management and cultural policy. The ENCATC book series is now published by Routledge, the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities, Social Sciences and STEM fields.


  • Candidates can be of any nationality and live in any country in the world.
  • Applicants can be young or emerging researchers who have recently defended their doctoral thesis (within 2 years of the thesis defence) and are qualified cum laude or equivalent higher qualification in the higher education system of the corresponding country.
  • The doctoral thesis submitted to the competition must be related to the field of cultural management and/or policy.
  • The doctoral thesis can be submitted in any language. However, the candidate must submit an extended abstract in English.
  • The work submitted for evaluation must be original (except for material in the public domain and/or material included with the written permission of the copyright owners). This work must not have been previously published in any form, either in whole or in part. However, if necessary, the work can be made available on the website of a university or in a national library.
  • The work submitted for evaluation must not violate or infringe any existing copyright or licence or any other right of any person or party.
  • Candidates can only apply once.

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The assessment criteria will be based on:

  • Thematic area;
  • Quality of research and research methodology;
  • Originality of the research topic;
  • Innovative nature of the research design;
  • Relevance and inspiration for the field and/or policy makers;
  • The international and comparative dimension of research;
  • Quality of writing.


Candidates must complete the online application form and upload the following documents:

  • cv
  • A cover letter
  • Original index of the doctoral thesis and link to the full text
  • A 3,000-word summary of the doctoral thesis in English, including:
    • Aim of the study and research questions
    • Theoretical framework
    • Methodological approaches, data collection and analysis and ethical considerations
    • Main results of the study
    • Theoretical and practical contributions to the field of cultural management and/or policy
    • Main references
  • Letters of recommendation from two members of the university jury/judging panel involved in the public defence process

Applications that are incomplete, do not fulfil the eligibility criteria or do not comply with the application procedure will be automatically rejected by the system.

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