Every year, UN Global Impact honours the exceptional efforts of professionals who drive positive change by promoting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and embodying the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. These individuals, known as SDG Pioneers, play a crucial role in inspiring action and demonstrating the power of business to create a sustainable future for all.
In 2024, UN Global Impact is pleased to recognise twelve SDG Pioneers from participating companies. These pioneers, regardless of their role, are setting ambitious targets for the SDGs, expanding their impact and championing a principles-based approach in their organisations.
Through a comprehensive selection process involving local and global rounds, UN Global Impact will identify individuals who exemplify dedication, innovation and leadership in advancing the SDGs.
Join UN Global Impact to celebrate these sustainability champions and learn how you can be part of the movement towards a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable world.
Sign up now:
- Are you actively conducting initiatives in line with the SDGs in your company?
- Do you strive to make a positive impact and promote sustainability in your work?
- Are you committed to incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact?
[Find out more and sign up here]
Appoint someone:
- Do you know a colleague who shows exceptional dedication to advancing the SDGs?
- Have you witnessed someone in your company setting ambitious targets for the SDGs and promoting significant change?
- Do you know people who incorporate principles of sustainability and corporate responsibility?
Understanding the difference:
- Our networks around the world will host SDG Pioneer campaigns at national level.
- The winners of each country's Local Round will compete for global recognition.
- Recognised in two award categories: Large National Companies and Multinationals and SMEs.
- Additional recognition in six regional categories.