Novartis hopes to support SDG 15 by funding a project that uses data/digital/new technologies to generate positive action, protect, restore and sustainably utilise the services provided by the earth's natural ecosystem.

Application deadline: 18th December, 17:00PM GMT

About the Award:

Businesses and ecosystems are connected. Businesses affect ecosystems because they depend on their provisioning services, such as fresh water, food, land, to name a few. The world's ecosystem services have been degraded over the last 50 years and we continue to deplete our natural resources at an alarming rate. Although many of the effects are felt locally first, the long-term consequences are global and the scale of change is highly relevant to business, presenting both risks and opportunities.

The expansion of human demands and economic activities is putting increasing pressure on land resources, creating competition and conflicts in the acquisition of natural resources, resulting in their sub-optimal use. By examining all land uses in an integrated way, it is possible to minimise conflicts, make the most efficient trade-offs and link social and economic development with environmental protection and enhancement, thus helping to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

Water on the blue planet Earth seems to be omnipresent, but only 1% is available as fresh water, which can be used for drinking, sanitation and agricultural purposes. Water is essential for our life, health and well-being. However, it is a finite source and is subject to constant recycling within the planet's boundaries. The recycling and subsequent provision of clean, pure fresh water is granted by an intact natural ecosystem. As a healthcare company, Novartis recognises the need for fresh water. Good health is closely linked to the provision of safe drinking water, proper hygiene (e.g. hand washing) and sound sanitation systems (e.g. sewage systems).

Forests cover more than 31% of the land on Earth. They play an essential role as they allow all living organisms to survive and thrive by purifying water and air. In addition, many indigenous cultures, species of animals, plants and insects have their habitats in forests and depend on them for their livelihoods. Forests also play a critical role in mitigating climate change because they act as a carbon sink - absorbing carbon dioxide that would otherwise be free in the atmosphere and contribute to ongoing changes in weather patterns. However, forests around the world are under great threat from deforestation and degradation, which jeopardises all these benefits. The main causes of deforestation are agriculture, poorly planned infrastructure and illegal logging. Deforestation in tropical forests is a particular concern because these forests are home to much of the world's biodiversity.

Desertification is a form of land degradation that causes fertile land to become increasingly arid, resulting in the land's inability to sustain bodies of water, vegetation and wildlife. Factors affecting desertification around the world include urbanisation, deforestation, overuse of water in agriculture, poorly managed groundwater sources; and ultimately all of these are accelerated by climate change. All of these factors will only increase as our population grows, unless new solutions are found and implemented.

SDG 15 aims to protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems in order to benefit, now and in the future, from this natural ecosystem service. This Lead2030 Challenge is specifically focussed on SDG 15 targets:

  • 15.1: By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation neutral world.
  • 15.2: Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation.
  • 15.3: By 2030, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and droughts, in line with obligations under international agreements

By scaling research and development, technological innovation, investing in natural infrastructure and implementing responsible sourcing policies, companies play a key role in preserving and restoring vital ecosystems, promoting the sustainable use of land, water and forests, and maintaining consumer confidence in their product offerings. At Novartis, we aim to drive sustainability through our own operations as well as those of our suppliers, and we have set ourselves ambitious targets to minimise our impacts on climate, waste and water. We have already made significant progress and our ambition is to be a catalyst for positive change and a leader in environmental sustainability.

Eligible field: The project must address at least one of the following:

  • Fresh water recycling capacity
  • Restoring the ecosystem's biodiversity
  • Deforestation
  • Desertification

Type: Competitions


Aligned: Evidently aligned with the SDG 15 challenge. See 'About'.

  • Led by young people: Founded by a person aged between 18 and 30.
  • Focussed: It has a well-structured time horizon, has identified the main stakeholders and beneficiaries and has proposed reasonable and well-thought-out results.
  • Proven: Readily available, being implemented or in the past.
  • Impactful: The solutions must have a positive social impact, for example by creating jobs or developing skills.
  • Measurable: The impacts of the solutions must have been adequately measured and/or measurable.
  • Financially viable: It must be able to achieve efficiency and survive independently through the resources it generates and/or the investments and donations it attracts.
  • Scalable: Potential to perform as well or better after expanding in scope or size and/or being transported to other regions.

Selection criteria: The project must deliver quantifiable results and be a sustainable long-term solution. Ideas with an evaluable proof of concept would be favoured.

Eligible countries: Any

Number of awards: Not specified

Premium amount: The winning solution will receive:

  • A donation of US$ 50,000 from Novartis
  • 12 months of mentoring from a team of Novartis professionals. The mentoring team will work to accelerate your solution based on the needs of your initiative or organisation, such as:
    • Business strategy
    • Best practices for data collection
    • Monitoring and evaluation
    • Product design

How to apply: Apply using the form on the Award Page (see link below)

  • It is important to go through all the entry requirements on the Award Page (see Link below) before applying.

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