Deadline: 05-Sep-2024

The European Commission is pleased to announce a call for proposals for EU action grants in the fields of Circular Economy and Quality of Life, Nature and Biodiversity and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation under the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE).


  • The call covers the following topics:
    • LIFE-2024-STRAT-NAT-SNaP-two-stage - Strategic Nature Projects
    • LIFE-2024-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage - Integrated Strategic Projects - Environment
    • LIFE-2024-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage - Integrated Strategic Projects - Climate Action


  • LIFE-2024-STRAT-NAT-SNaP-two-stage - Strategic Nature Projects
    • The aim of a SNaP project is to support the achievement of the EU's nature and biodiversity objectives by implementing coherent action programmes in the Member States in order to integrate these objectives and priorities into other policies and funding instruments.
  • LIFE-2024-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage - Integrated Strategic Projects - Environment
    • Candidates should aim to implement one of the following plans/strategies:
      • Circular Economy: National or regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar, which are officially approved and include specific and measurable actions or targets, with a clear timeline and which are aligned with or complement the objectives of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.
      • Waste: National and regional waste management plans (WMPs) in accordance with Article 28 of the Waste Framework Directive and/or Waste Prevention Programmes (WSPs) as requested by Article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive.
      • Water: river basin management plans (PGBH) under Annex VII of the Water Framework Directive, flood risk management plans (PGRI) under the Floods Directive or marine strategies under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
      • Air: Air Quality Plans under the terms of the Air Quality Directive or National Air Pollution Control Programmes (PNCPA) under the terms of the National Emission Limits Directive.
  • LIFE-2024-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage - Integrated Strategic Projects - Climate Action
    • Candidates should aim to implement one or more of the following plans/strategies:
      • National Energy and Climate Plans (PNEC), including Long-Term Strategies (LTS).
      • Regulation on the governance of the Energy Union and climate action (EU)2018/1999.
      • National adaptation strategies and plans under Article 5 of Regulation 2021/1119 ("European Climate Law"), or regional adaptation strategies or action plans.
      • Pioneering urban or community action plans in the transition to a climate-neutral society and/or climate resilience, including plans and actions for climate-neutral cities, for example in the context of the EU mission "Climate-neutral and smart cities" and sustainable urban mobility Plans.
      • National, regional or industry/sector-specific greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or low-carbon economy roadmaps.

Information on financing

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