Linha de Financiamento para Projetos de Empreendedorismo Cultural

Financing Opportunities for Cultural Ventures

Portuguese Cooperation, through Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P., has set up a cooperation instrument to enhance the link between culture and development, launching the PROCERIS Funding Line - Culture and Entrepreneurship with Responsibility and Social Inclusion Programme, with the aim of supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in the use of cultural assets as a means for socio-economic inclusion.

The programme is intended to provide funding and encourage technical cooperation for projects to be carried out in Cape Verde and the other PALOP countries (Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe), as well as East Timor and India:

Public Institutions of Education, Culture and Science;
Civil Society Organisations;
Grassroots Community Organisations;
Companies and other for-profit organisations.

Eligible organisations must be based in one of the partner countries (i.e. one of the PALOP, TL or India) or in the European Union. If they are based in the European Union, their proposals must be submitted in partnership with a lead applicant based in one of the intervention countries.

The grant request for the entire implementation period of the proposals must be a minimum of €200,000.00 and a maximum of €400,000.00, for projects with a maximum duration of 3 years (36 months). PROCERIS has an overall budget of 2.8 million euros for the period 2024 - 2026.

The deadline for applications is 2pm (Lisbon time) / 1pm (CV time) on 27 November 2024. Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the terms of the call and the forms provided and sent to in a single e-mail, not exceeding 5 MB.

Interested organisations should consult all the application documents available online:

Deadline: 27-11-2024

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