We are a team of researchers from University College Cork, Ireland, involved in a new research project called  Youth Climate Justice . In our research, we will  

  • see examples of children and young people taking legal action on the climate crisis;  
  • talk to children and young people who have carried out other types of climate action; and  
  • hold creative workshops to understand what children think about their rights, the environment and climate change. 

At the end of the project, we'll understand better:  

  1. How to make legal systems more accessible to children defending their rights to climate justice;
  2. How the role of children as climate leaders may be changing the way we understand how children experience their rights.

One of the most important parts of this research is the involvement of the children and young people themselves. We are establishing a  Youth Advisory Team  which will help us ensure that our research is designed in a way that helps children and young people feel comfortable, supported and able to express themselves in the way that works best for them.  

We want to have a group of  twelve Young Counsellors.  We accept applications from children and young people from all over the world: 

  • Between 8 and 17 years old;
  • You can be part of the Advisory Team from June 2024 to June 2025;
  • Interested in climate justice, children's rights and ensuring that children and young people have a say. 

Read more here:  

Ready to sign up?  Fill in our questionnaire by clicking  here  or by typing bit.ly/YCJApply into your browser. Deadline:  5th May 2024 | 17:00 GMT 

We can't wait to hear from you! 

Some notes:  

  • French and Spanish versions of this call for applications will be released in the near future and added to the project website. If you require information packs in a different language, please write to  Youthclimatejustice@ucc.ie .
  • We know that there are lots of amazing children under the age of 8 who are standing up for climate justice. There will be future opportunities for younger children to get involved in the Youth Climate Justice project - watch this space!
  • As our research is centred on case studies in Ireland, Nepal, Canada and South Africa, we especially welcome applications from children and young people living in these countries. 
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