Deadline: 03-May-24

Applications are now open for the Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Research Fellowship to support early career scientists who are carrying out impactful research that will provide solutions to some of Africa's most pressing problems.


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The scholarship aims to continue his contribution and passion for Africa, the environment and pioneering science.

  • Candidates' proposals must demonstrate a strong link to biodiversity and conservation
Information on financing
  • A grant of US$ 150,000 will be awarded to a selected applicant. The grant will support a research project or programme for up to three years (previously funded research is not eligible).
What are the judges looking for?
  • Advances the frontiers of knowledge within the chosen field
  • Facilitates solutions to African challenges: Research should attempt to solve an African challenge that occurs in more than one geography and is scalable to other areas. The research should include several research sites
  • Demonstrates innovative methodologies and approaches
  • Exhibits scientific rigour and excellence
  • It contributes to the development of human capital (e.g. guidance, support and professional development opportunities) for the next generation of researchers.
  • It incorporates a holistic perspective and involves inter- and multidisciplinary collaboration with partners (preferably intra-African) to harness time, experience, skills, materials and resources and reduce duplication
  • Articulates the potential to create impact during and after the grant period
  • Demonstrates knowledge of recent or ongoing associated work on the continent.
  • Define a clear plan for the dissemination of research results within and outside the scientific community
  • It strives for open access publications (popular and scientific).
  • No unacceptable ethical or safety risks
Election criteria
  • The main candidate should be:
    • A budding scientist
      • The candidate must already hold a doctoral degree and have no more than seven years of postgraduate work and/or research experience (excluding time devoted to family responsibilities).
    • Have strong links with a credible African institution
      • The institution must have a proven ability to manage funds and subscribe to good financial granting practices and can be any of the following: academic institution, research institution, government institution, NGO, for-profit organisation
      • In addition, the proposed research must be centred on or in Africa.

For more information, visit Research Grant Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer .

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