Entries are now open for the World Habitat Awards 2021. The World Habitat Awards recognise and highlight innovative, striking and sometimes revolutionary housing ideas, projects and programmes from around the world. More than 250 outstanding World Habitat Awards projects have been recognised over the years, demonstrating substantial and lasting improvements in living conditions.

Deadline: 15th March 2021

The Awards were created in 1985 to identify and promote good habitat practices. They were initiated in 1987 as World Habitat's contribution to the United Nations International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. The concept of identifying good practice was virtually unknown in 1985 and the Awards were only supposed to last three years. However, the response was so positive that World Habitat decided to keep the competition going. After 30 years, the World Habitat Awards are going from strength to strength.


  • The two projects awarded prizes in Gold receive them:
    • A trophy (presented at a global event) in recognition of your work in developing and delivering good practice in housing. World Habitat covers travel and accommodation costs for a project representative to attend the awards ceremony;
    • Cash prize of £10,000; AND
    • Follow-up support from World Habitat through its exChange programme.
  • Silver and Bronze Award-winning projects receive a certificate and the opportunity to partner with World Habitat in promoting their initiatives.


  • Open to all individuals, organisations or governments that have faced housing challenges.
  • Open to projects from all over the world:
    • focus on affordable and adequate housing;
    • have taken measures to deal with the climate emergency;
    • are underway or have been completed in the last ten years;
    • are taking measures to promote diversity, equality and inclusion; AND
    • were designed and/or delivered in close collaboration with the local residents/community
  • Projects in the design/prototype/planning phase or completed more than ten years ago will not be considered.
  • Previous participants can apply again in subsequent years, provided that the project has developed significantly in the intervening period.
  • You can enter projects that have been developed and/or implemented by another individual or organisation. However, your entry must include a letter of permission from the original designer/implementer agreeing to your entry and for its publication in the event of winning an Award.
  • Entries can be submitted in English, Spanish or French.


Images, plans and/or supporting documents can be sent via the online application form or by e-mail. If you send documents separately, please include your name, organisation and the name of your project.

All entries must be received by 23:59 GMT on 15 March 2021.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit the World Habitat Awards.

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