The deadline for Agenda 2030 is a decade away. With looming issues like poverty, hunger, climate change and more, young people need to be at the centre for the next decade of national development. GGI aims to make youth a part of the parade that will lead India to Agenda 2030 through awareness, encouragement and realisation. GGI Young Leaders is an initiative to raise awareness among young people and encourage them to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by the 2030 deadline. Taking part in this programme brings several benefits to the participants.

of the Programme The Green Governance Initiative Young Leaders Programme
2020 aims to achieve the following objectives:
Understanding: Bringing young people to an understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
United Nations and the 2030 Agenda Awareness: Building trust
in articulating the course of action to be taken to raise awareness
and building projects to achieve the 2030 Agenda Skills Training: Provide young people with analytical and communication skills to advocate and raise awareness further for the SDGs in their communities Social Epistemology: Gain a strong working knowledge in understanding different social issues such as poverty, hunger, inequality, etc. Networking: Gain access to the network and tools needed to equip young people to achieve the SDG targets by 2030.

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