In response to the fact that one in four young people in Africa are not in any educational, employability or training pathway, Laureus Sport for Good, the International Olympic Committee and the French Development Agency, together with Africa's leading sports and social development institutions, have come together to form the Sport for Education and Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa (SESLA) programme.
Launched in January 2024, the SESLA programme provides funding, training, peer learning opportunities and research with the aim of leveraging the power of sport to empower young people to create more sustainable futures for themselves and their communities.
We are announcing two funding opportunities focused on the use of sustained approaches in sport to improve the pathways of young people, to be delivered over 12 months between January and December 2025.
The open call is designed to support the development of projects by non-profit organisations that use, or would like to use, sport as a tool to support the development of education and employability of young people in Africa. Funding of between 40,000 and 50,000 USD is available.

Collaborative Project Grants are designed to encourage and support collaborations between sports organisations, non-profit organisations, government and the private sector in testing innovative approaches and ideas for how sport can be used to promote employability and create sustainable lifestyles for young people in Africa. Available
grants of between 70,000 and 100,000 USD for consortia of two or more organisations.

Application Process and Timetable
Both funding opportunities start on 2 September 2024. The application period for the open call will close on 27 September. The application period for collaborative calls will close a week later, on 4 October 2024.

More information here:

SESLA | Laureus

Notice in Portuguese here:

SESLA - Documents/1. EN_SESLA Web Page__.pdf (

Criteria here:

SESLA RFP Criteria FINAL 210624.docx (

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