The MMD Grant Facility Call for Proposals has been launched, offering a significant opportunity for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and non-state actors involved in migration and mobility issues related to the African continent. Funded by the European Commission, this initiative aims to support projects aligned with the framework of the Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP) and other components of the Migration Mobility Dialogue (MMD).

Main details

  • Number of grants: Around 10 to 15 grants will be awarded, with funding ranging from 300,000 to 1,500,000 euros.
  • Eligible projects: Projects should align with the JVAP framework, contribute to the operationalisation of policy decisions or generate knowledge and research contributions relevant to the Migration Mobility Dialogue. They should be implemented in one or more African Union Member States, with the possibility of targeting African diaspora communities in European Union Member States.
  • Candidates: CSOs and non-state actors, including NGOs, community organisations, associations, diaspora organisations, universities and research centres, can apply. Lead applicants must be registered in an AU Member State or an EU Member State, and collaboration with co-applicants is encouraged.
  • Registration process: Interested candidates must submit concept note applications by 17 June 2024, followed by a full application for shortlisted candidates. The Call for Proposals documents and the application portal can be accessed via the link provided.

Clarification and Information Session

  • Interested parties can submit questions via the ICMPD's Electronic Application Platform.
  • An information session will be held on 6 May 2024, providing more details and guidance for potential candidates. Registration is compulsory.

Stay up to date

To receive updates on the Call for Proposals, follow the MMD Grant Facility page and switch on notifications.

For additional information and access to relevant documents, visit HERE !

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