The Centre for Global Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CGEED) is seeking applications for the Digital Transformation Grant for Women-Led Enterprises.

This project aims to empower women to use technology to access information sources, engage and improve their business processes and achieve their socio-economic opportunities. Advancing women's digital connectivity will bring new business opportunities; enable them to access personal digital technology, essential in today's digital economy.

This is a grant that will train women in digital literacy to help them manage their businesses during and after the pandemic. This project will unlock the economic potential of technology for SMEs by increasing their competitiveness, simplifying their business and administrative processes and facilitating access to economic and capital opportunities.

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CGEED provides programme support to enhance, promote and develop SME entrepreneurs in Africa and other developing countries. It has worked to seek out new and existing high-growth SMEs to provide expertise connecting these SMEs to better resources and will help them expand into new marketing opportunities.

In addition, CGEED provides training and market entry strategies to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them understand the best practices needed to enter the US market. CGEED works with government and policymakers to help create policies and programmes that will improve the competitiveness of SMEs.


  • Promoting digital skills and entrepreneurship
  • Management and business development skills
  • Collaboration with other colleagues globally
  • Access to information, communication and technology (ICT) tools
  • Consulting services
  • Information on financing
  • Digital Transformation Training Grant - (worth US $ 4,000)
  • It is now very crucial for companies to digitise their processes. This grant will provide practical applications for digital transformation to increase the productivity of your business.
  • This donation supports companies, SMEs, non-profit organisations and entrepreneurs with the skills and resources needed to digitally transform their businesses.
  • With these skills and the right digital platforms, this funding will help them meet customer and client demands and increase their business revenue.
  • Digital Integration Training Grant - (worth US $ 3,000)
  • This grant is intended to support SMEs that have not yet started implementing digital solutions and tools to enable their business processes. This introduces tools, guidance and general support services.


The duration of the Digital Transformation Grant is 6 months.

Eligibility criteria

Participants should be women entrepreneurs, community members, school administrators, teachers, women's and youth organisations, start-up companies and other leaders from the private and informal sectors:

  • They come from West Africa, or members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  • Be between 18 and 70 years old.
  • Anyone with access to a telephone or computer and knowledge of English.
  • You have a business or plan to open one.
  • Has a social media account on Facebook and WhatsApp

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