Deadline: 25 May 2024

Applications are now open for the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC) Resilience Grant 2024 . The grant provides a platform for cross-sector, global and interdisciplinary collaboration between civil society actors, human rights activists, journalists, artists, academics, legislators, grassroots community leaders and others working to combat the effects of organised crime.

The grant is part of GI-TOC's flagship Resilience Fund, which provides grants and support to individuals and civil society organisations working to combat the impacts of criminal governance and violence around the world. Established with a grant from the government of Norway, the Resilience Fund is also supported by the governments of Germany, the Netherlands and New Zealand and works in partnership with international organisations and NGOs around the world.

Theme for 2024: Fragility and Resilience


Ten fellows from different backgrounds will be selected and supported through the following mechanisms:

  • Grants:  In fragile environments, the scarcity of financial resources is a pressing issue. Due to ongoing conflicts, weak governance and socio-economic disparities, traditional sources of support are often underdeveloped or unavailable. The 2024 Resilience Grant will directly address this gap by providing grants of US$ 15,000 to individuals in these environments for community projects that build resilience. By focussing on fragile contexts, the Fellowship will ensure that resources reach those who are usually overlooked, making a tangible difference in the communities most in need.
  • Training:  Through the Fellowship's training and mentoring programme, Fellows will receive guidance on how to deal with the unique challenges presented by their environments, such as cyber threats, physical security risks and the complexities of criminal economies. This approach begins with an understanding of fragility: identifying the local manifestations of organised crime and developing strategies to combat them.
  • Networking and collaboration:  The Fellowship will provide networking and collaboration opportunities through its Resilience Dialogues and the Resilience Fund Community Platform to influence global policy and strengthen Fellows' initiatives. By fostering an interdisciplinary, global and cross-sectoral network, the Fellowship aims to support a diverse range of solutions, share resources and best practices, and strengthen community resilience to organised crime in fragile contexts.


  • Open to civil society actors working on community responses to organised crime that strengthen resilience in fragile regions affected by conflict, violence and criminal governance.
  • Applicants should have a background in any of the following areas: journalism and media; activism; advocacy and community mobilisation; the creative arts (artists, writers, film-makers and others); community leaders (religious, cultural and youth leaders); academia (researchers, consultants, academics and policy-makers); and human rights professionals working directly with affected communities. Individuals from other disciplines will be considered if their work is relevant to the objectives of the Fellowship and the annual theme.
  • The scholarship accepts applications from individuals of all genders, ethnic origins, ages, religions or other defining characteristics who work in communities affected by organised crime.
  • Candidates must have full or professional proficiency in at least one of the following three languages: Spanish, English or French.

Selection criteria

Candidates will be selected for interviews on the basis of the following four criteria.

  • Contextual relevance
  • Problem identification
  • Feasibility of the solution
  • Capacity to build community resilience


Those interested should submit their application using the online form. This form includes questions for candidates to show their background and experience in dealing with contexts of fragility, especially in communities facing conflict.

Make sure your answers are clear, succinct and do not exceed the maximum word limit. You will not be able to attach any documents to your application. Make sure you include all the relevant information. It will not be possible to edit it once it has been sent.

Applications will not be received by email. All applications must be submitted via the online form.

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