ACTION is looking for ongoing citizen science projects related to any form of pollution in Europe and around the world, which are mainly carried out online.
This call is for:
- ongoing citizen science projects seeking support, financial and otherwise, to grow and become sustainable;
- communities interested in co-designing pollution research in any relevant discipline, from biodiversity and environmental sciences to astronomy and the humanities;
- public, private and third sector organisations exploring the use of citizen science in their work.
ACTION will provide funding for a six-month pilot, along with dedicated accelerator activities, resources and tools to set up and run the pilot. In a series of workshops, you will have the chance to co-design and experiment with the tools and work together with the ACTION team to tailor the support you need to achieve your goals. You will have access to a community of like-minded initiatives, facing similar challenges and contributing to common goals.
Financing information
- Successful applicants will receive €20,000 to help deliver a six-month pilot with the help of the ACTION team.
- Funds can be spent on salaries, equipment, consumables, travel, subcontracting to other organisations and indirect expenses.
In addition, ACTION will offer a range of services, adapted to the needs of each citizen science project, including:
- Intensive training at the start of the accelerator on project design, citizen engagement, data management and preservation, impact assessment and sustainability;
- Online mentoring during the pilot and beyond;
- Tools and infrastructure to host projects and their data according to the latest IT practices in your discipline;
- Tools and methods to facilitate the collection and analysis of participatory data;
- Tailor-made consultancy on various citizen science challenges, including data quality, data preservation, GDPR, research ethics, motivating participation, citizen empowerment, EDI (equality, diversity, inclusion), public engagement and impact;
- Promotion via news on the ACTION website and social media, as well as presentation opportunities at the ACTION conference and other related events;
- Peer learning and networking facilitated through workshops and online tools.
Eligibility criteria
- Any legal entities and consortia established in a country or territory eligible to receive Horizon 2020 grants.
- Each organisation can participate in an application, either on its own or as part of a consortium.
For more information, visit